
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Featured food - a Halo Dog

Despite the number of food choices at Angel Stadium [my regular haunting grounds as a baseball fan] - whenever I go to a game, I usually don't buy anything to eat inside the stadium, preferring to walk to get something to eat at a McDonald's, Carl's Jr. or a Mexican place near the stadium.

During last Saturday's game against the Baltimore Orioles, the hot dog stand in the courtyard where the Gene Autry statue is located [on the Field Level] called out to me - I really didn't want to go out and walk across the street to likely go to Carl's Jr. again.

I think I had enough money and was either going to get the 'specialty' nachos [don't remember what they were called] or a random hot dog - topped with different things, each hot dog sold is supposed to represent a different MLB ballpark.

I scrounged enough change and bought a 'Halo Dog,' for $7.50 - which featured a bacon wrapped hot dog topped with jack cheese, charro beans and chili pepper relish.

I lugged my hot dog [and a bottle of water I found along the way] all the way out to the picnic tables out behind centerfield - the bun had gotten a little soggy and I had to eat the hot dog with a fork and pick at the toppings, instead of eating the hot dog with my bare hands.

The relish was sweet, tangy and spicy while the bacon added some more flavor / saltiness to the already sodium laden hot dog - I don't know if the hot dog hit the spot, but I wouldn't mind missing a Carls Jr. meal for this, even there was really no drink to go with the hot dog.

If I get the hot dog the next time, I might save time, energy and maybe a buck - during the game I saw the hot dogs were $6.50 by the concession stands on the Terrace Level concourse in left field.

I took a picture of the menu to remember what the name of the hot dog was and what the toppings were - it was similar to ones sold at the courtyard on the Field Level.

If your 'home team' Angels are really not doing so well and are about to miss the playoffs for the first time in more than several years - you don't avoid talking about the 'bad things,' you just find other things to talk about while still 'keeping the faith.'


  1. I stumnbled upong your blog and have to agree true Angel fans keep the faith and we talk about other things and cheer the boys!!!


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