
Sunday, March 11, 2012

Anticipating Pujols' impact for the upcoming season

I'm not in a card collecting funk but 'fatigue' for whatever reason may set in and it's evident by my lack of posts - 2012 Topps seems kind of 'meh' to me, I don't think I like the idea of a non MLB licensed, prospect heavy product like 2011 Playoff Contenders being $135 a box and I'm certainly not touching any of the new 2012 Topps Tribute.

I've guess I've got more important things to look forward to besides running out and picking up any of the latest 2012 baseball card offerings - I've been intermittently paying attention to Angels spring training games on TV and I've seen Albert Pujols signing autographs along the rail at Tempe Diablo on his way to the clubhouse after he's pulled from games.

It has me a little jealous since I can't get out there this year - hopefully Pujols will have a routine to sign autographs before games during the regular season, even though I'm sure his presence alone will drastically change the ballpark experience at Angel Stadium as far as trying to get stuff signed.

I can't wait to watch The Machine ply his craft for my home team during the regular season - the guy looks like he's ready to play and there is really no reason not to watch any Angel game as long as he is penciled in the lineup.


  1. I've found when I get all funked up, a complete change of activities can help.

    Go outside somewhere, maybe some disc golf? It's such a fun sport, and besides the cost of a couple of discs, is entirely free to play.

    Plus, Heritage is here soon, so that might be neat to sample.

  2. Thanks for providing a link to my blog here on your page! It's nice to see that other people like to read my stuff as much as I like to read theirs!
    ~Matt (Blogging 'Bout Baseball)


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