
Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Baseball busts and disappointments - No. 17 Jeff Mathis

As an Angels fan, I don't know what to think about Jeff Mathis - he has played in parts of seven seasons in the Major Leagues and has a lifetime batting average is .199.

What position player hits .199 for their Major League career - maybe there was once hope that the 28-year old Mathis would do so much better with the bat once he was given an opportunity to play every day, but it hasn't happened yet.

I'd labeled him as merely a disappointment because he has stuck around with the Halos all these years - but his toothpick bat is just too hard to ignore otherwise.



  1. Consider how he excelled in the minors I expected good things out of him. Turned out to be AAAA player.

  2. Continuing to wait on Mathis is taking away good at bats for Conger.

    Mathis will always be a bust.


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