
Friday, January 10, 2014

Trying to do something with my commons

When I can, I'm pulling cards out of my three 3,200 boxes representing my 'A-Z archive' of cards - I hope I'm not making more of a mess but I'm trying to see if there applicable cards to extract from the 'rank and file' cards I've hoarded over the years.

Inking it up - chasing for autographs at a baseball game is my other hobby besides collecting baseball cards, so it's nice to see moments where players signing for fans are captured.

PEDs - a backup, 'scrub' catcher in the mid 1990's found himself using steroids and years after his professional playing career was done, found himself in the Mitchell report.

Tools of ignorance - I've collected cards with catchers or other players [goofing off] pictured in catching equipment, though cards with catchers in game-action shots i.e. plays at the plate adds a little bit more exciting element to the collection.

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