
Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Fritsch One Year Winners Angels

Card #143 in the 1979 One Year Winners set, Botz appeared in 35 games for the 1962 Angels and pitched 63 innings as a reliever.

I was vaguely aware of these cards [apparently consisting of three series released in 1977, 1979 and 1983] featuring players who seemed to have the most obscure MLB careers - the players might have appeared in one MLB game or only had a brief run as major leaguers before circumstances otherwise cut their careers short.

Sets are not hard to find though there might be a little premium placed on singles - I jumped on the Angels ones I can find to add a little oddball flair to my Angels frankenset.

Card #34 in the 1979 One Year Winners set - Rubio played in parts of two seasons [1966-67] with the Angels, appearing in 10 games.

Card #39 in the 1979 One Year Winners set - Hibbs played in only three MLB games and had three at-bats, striking out in two of them.

Card #72 in the 1983 One Year Winners set - Stubing appeared in only 5 MLB games and struck out in 4 of his 5 at-bats.

For what it's worth Stubing is the only guy among the five whose autograph I actually have - he shows up in the 1989 Topps set because of his 1988 managerial cameo with the Angels which went 0-8.

Card #109 in the 1983 One Year Winners set - Sprout appeared in only one MLB game back in 1961, Sprout pitched 4 innings, allowing 2 earned runs.

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