
Saturday, May 03, 2014

My new hobby coming soon - basket weaving

Out of the bad things that can happen when out at the ballpark trying to get autographs, I lost my book with my visiting players' cards inside - I guess I’m not cut out to graph in-person and with my up-and-down interest baseball cards, I might be doing something else.

I don't even know where I lost it, all I knew is after a game I realized I didn't have the book - it could have ended up in anybody's hands and I'm kind of bummed out about it.

I probably have enough extras to have something to get signed, though I’ve lost some set cards and other cards that may have been priorities - it’s an eye opener because I tend to be on auto pilot [when it comes to graphing in-person] and when I make a rookie mistake, I’m reminded I’m not so flipping perfect, things aren’t so seamless and I really have to be focused.

I go through a mental checklist since I’ve messed up and lost my autograph book before - though 'it' happens, I try to keep things simple beforehand and alert to make sure I don’t leave things behind.

I try not to run around like an airhead when I’m graphing, so I try to exercise some 'quality control,' even if it seems all kind of random and unorganized - making sure I’m not getting a bunch of imperfect autographs [streaking, beading, etc] by using crappy pens, making sure the autograph is dry on the cards and making sure signed cards are tucked away from cards I’m still trying to get inked up.

It’s kind of ironic, this latest mess up comes at a time, when I’m trying to bring less cards - maybe the good thing is that I had whatever signed cards I had put away in my binder for the home team and in the plastic box I was carrying around in my tote bag.

I have to ‘rebuild’ what I lost, but I think I can basically account for many of the cards - most of the unsigned cards lost are feature players that either are tough or won’t sign; if the players had signed those cards already, maybe I wouldn’t have to worry about lugging those pieces of cardboard I lost.

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