
Tuesday, May 06, 2014

Ted Bundy?

A 'part time' coach / special assistant on the Texas Rangers was signing autographs recently and a yahoo out of nowhere - was wondering why people were trying to get this guy's autograph.

"Are you famous or something," the guy asked in a clueless sort of way.

It's funny how 15-20 people [including myself] clamored to get autographs from this particular coach - yet an average Joe at the ballpark may not be so inclined to pay attention to the players or coaches, particularly out of uniform.

It probably makes me feel like the weirdo for trying to track down these random professional baseball players for their autographs - spending way too much time trying to track down scribbles.

"Yeah, I'm Ted Bundy," the former player said.

We're talking about referencing a serial killer, but the response the former player made got a few chuckles [even if people weren't actually sure why] - it came out of nowhere and I think it showed how the former player was having fun; hopefully the random yahoo got a clue, but as long as the subject kept signing, so be it.

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