Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Immaculate Grid

I was filling out an Immaculate Grid game and it was killing me I couldn't think up a player who played both for the Arizona Diamondbacks and Texas Rangers - it was the last spot I needed filled and I was really having an existential crisis about knowing my obscure MLB players, before a 'Matt Kata' finally popped from my memory banks.

I used to be into this game a couple of years ago, where I was compelled to have a go at thinking up players that matched a 3 by 3 grid - it made me think just how little I know, where my knowledge of most MLB players start through the junk wax era and then up through the last 10-15 years.

I feel like I'm not filling out the grid with vintage / old school players before the junk era and/or filling the grid with players from recent years - especially for rank-and-file guys who came up past the pandemic.

I think I got bored filling out grids with the guys I'm familiar with and it got to be where I tried to always take screenshots and save my results - as is, when I see results posted somewhere, I'm tempted to fill out a grid, though I try not to use names I've just seen.


The Angels In Order said...

I don't play as much as I used to, especially after they started the "played 1 game in left field" nonsense. If the squares are strictly teams, I might still try.

Bo said...

Came here to make the same comment as Tom!

Brett Alan said...

I play everyday, but I agree that some of the categories aren't as fun. Nice pull on Matt Kata--I don't remember him at all. The recent expansion teams (Marlins, Rays, Rockies, and Diamondbacks) are always the toughest teams for me. No 70s cards imprinted on my brain!