Monday, October 05, 2020

TTM autograph received: Jack Marin

Along with other random cards, I picked up a 1976-77 Topps basketball card for Marin to sign at a celebrity golf tournament three years ago - however, the guest list for the notable former pro athletes participating had gotten a little bit vague, so maybe it wasn't worth spending a day trying to catch guys on the course.

Scrolling through Twitter last month, I saw a collector post a TTM success with Marin - so on a whim maybe it was an good time to dig out my random card among stuff I’ve boxed up, find a possible working address to mail to and put together a request.

The former NBA player signed my card and returned my letter, taking the time to write a response with significant details about his life - I don't usually write to non-baseball guys, but the personal response made this success worth it.

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