When you are supposed to put a priority on what you are collecting, it seems I'm trying to do the opposite, trying to find unique features in the thousands of commons out there. I think what makes the experience worth it is when I'm actually looking at the cards in-hand and see there is a theme, an oracle among cards from different years and different brands.
I'm trying to list all the applicable collection topic cards in a database on Excel - the task keeps me sane and gives my collecting endeavors a purpose, but it gets tedious and sometimes you have to take a step back.
These are merely the collecting topics subjects I'd like to work on as far as putting into the database I created - I probably listed over 1,500 cards already as far as cards from other collection topics are concerned, but need to list some more.
I'm trying to work on a collection of 'infamous' players - from public urination to murder and everything in-between]. I'm not glorifying these athletes, but keeping a note on what they did that maybe a 'no-no' among society.
There are also other topics such as a collection of cards - featuring players from different nations, featuring players involved in the steroid era, featuring pitchers showing the type of grips they are using during their pitching motion, uncorrected error cards and cards featuring interesting facts on the back.
Edit: I just found a binder of cards featuring players 'inking it up' for the fans and also 'bonus babies,' where star players make cameos on common players' cards - more stuff to work on and keep me busy.
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